By far the most popular apron sold thus far. The lovely bouquet of roses is set against a blue background. The bouquets have gorgeous pink and yellow roses. The rose bouquets are tied with either purple or gold ribbon. The reverse side of the cobbler apron has many beautiful flowers. If you or someone you know likes the color blue and flowers, then this apron is just the right apron.
- Reversible Cobbler Apron fits waists up to 50 inches.
- Apron measures 29 inches long.
- Two Aprons in One!
- Cobbler Apron is pre-shrunk
- Pockets on both sides are double stitched in center, so that the pockets don't pull away, and adds strength.
- All edges are top-stitched
- 100% High Quality Pre-Shrunk Cotton fabric
- A great way to protect your clothing.
- Availability: Out of Stock
- Model: CA128
- Manufacturer: Country N' More