Chili Pepper, Sombrero, and Pinata Neck Cooler

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This Mexican theme neck cooler has chili peppers, sombreros, and pinatas. There are gorgeous red, orange, yellow, and green peppers throughout this print. This is a very gorgeous chili pepper fabric. Wear this while cooking your favorite meal when the heat is getting to you. It will also makes a great gift idea.

Benefits of the Neck Cooler:
  • Great for construction workers, or other outside jobs.
  • Neck cooler is 42 inches - 44 inches long.
  • Relief for neck aches
  • Use at sporting events to stay cool
  • Cools blood flow to brain
  • Lowers body temperature
  • Reduces dehydration
  • Lowers perspiration rate
  • Helps reduce headache pain
  • Use it at events to stay cool
  • Comes with step-by-step instructions for use and care.
  • 44 inches in length